After many years of research, nowadays, more than 70% of all major transformation efforts fail. Organizations do not approach to changes and engage workers effectively in those processes.
Changes affect both individuals and organizations and succeeding in increasingly unpredictable and uncertain environments, we can’t simply remain static. We must constantly change, adapt, and strive to fan the sparks of innovation.
This is much easier said than done.
Being in a hypercompetitive world we need constantly adapt and readapt so, why do you keep from being more innovative?
Sense of perspective and some barriers definitively keeps us away from. These barriers include fear, anxiety, insecurity between others.
Have you ever run up against these barriers either in your own life or business?
You are not alone.
We all want to reduce our stress, increase our effectiveness, and give a higher value proposition to our employers, customers and organizations. However, our perceptions diminish our abilities to take the best decisions, assuming risks and perform at maximum level.
Do you think all this can impact in your ability to succeed?
If you think so, change your outlook, and you can change your future or the future of the organizations.
Change is all around us, and in business specially it seems that the scope and speed of changes taking place today are immense.
But today I will focus on change in business more than those affecting our life. I will have time latter to talk about how to succeed despite uncertainty managing changes.
Change in business can take the form of:
- Unstable economic conditions
- Unpredictable operating environments
- Changing customer needs and expectations
- New tools, communication systems, techniques
- Emerging new information technologies or other kind of technologies
- Unexpected opportunities and challenges
Only to name a few ones.
So this rapidly accelerating rate of changes need to be managed properly to succeed.
That’s why we studied different methods and models to face these challenges and we opted for Kotter model, the famous 8-Step Process for Leading Change. Based on that model we developed a methodology to help individuals and organizations to face transformations.
Our methodology considers two main aspects of our businesses. Firstly, all related with the operations of the business and on the other hand the emotions of the individuals. Most of the times, that 70% of failures are due to how we manage the emotions of our employees and we help mobilizing organizations to achieve results.
The world of business is a risky place to be and it can seem intimidating. We should routinely be stepping outside the comfort zones we operate in. It is the only way to continually thrive on both an individual and an organizational level.
When we allow fears and anxieties influence our decisions and doubts to lead our actions, we often constrain our ability to grow and innovate.
Embrace change taking calculated risks and correct actions and you will discover that innovation is a part of yourself, learning will drive your ability to change, change will make you grow up, and you will reinvent yourself.